Using The Five Elements Seven Dragons Treatment
The seven internal or external dragon treatment is one of the most powerful treatments practitioners can use when patients are not progressing and seem mentally or emotionally stuck. Patients can have more or less extreme symptoms and may have a Western diagnosis of, for example, posttraumatic stress disorder or bipolar or merely be unable to move forward from a traumatic relationship or other event.
During this seminar Angela will explain all aspects of this treatment including the concept of possession, the causes, the diagnosis and the points and their use in the treatment. She will also give examples from her own experience.
Goals of course:
• To explore what is meant by ‘possession’ in Chinese Medicine
• To discover the causes and signs and symptoms that indicate the need for this treatment
• To understand the internal and external dragons treatment protocol used to clear possession
This course is £15 for non JCM subscribers.
This course is £11.25 for JCM subscribers.
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Running time: Approximately 1 hr 30 mins
Buy this courseSpeaker's Biography:
Angela Hicks is joint principal and co-founder of the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine (CICM), Reading, Uk. Having originally trained in Five Element Acupuncture, Angela has been in practice since 1976. Angela subsequently leanred Traditional Chinese medicine and undertook further training in China. She is also trained in Chinese herbal medicine, is a 'Focussing' teacher and she regularly meditates and practices qigong. Angela is author of The Principals of Chinese Medicine, 88 Chinese Medicine Secrets and The Acupuncture Handbook and co-author of Healing Your Emotions, and the textbook Five Element Constitutional Acupuncture.