Acupuncture Red Flags And First Aid
In this course Paul Blacker, shares his expertise as an acupuncturist and first aid instructor and provides comprehensive information about current legislation and issues of confidentiality. Red and amber flags and their treatment are discussed in depth including pain, bleeding, seizures, psychological conditions, threatened suicide and other mental health conditions, as well as treating sprains, strains and fractures. Issues such as when to refer and risk of cancer are also addressed in this webinar - covering all of the important areas of medical first aid and red flags.
Goals of the course:
* Learn about current legislation and issues of confidentiality.
* Understand what are red and amber flags and their treatment
* Learn about how to assess pain, bleeding, seizures, psychological conditions, threatened suicide and other mental health conditions
* Learn about treating sprains, strains and fractures with acupuncture
* Understand issues such as when to refer and risk of cancer
This course is £20 for non JCM subscribers.
This course is £15 for JCM subscribers.
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Running time: Approximately 2 hrs
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Speakers Biography
Paul Blacker For over 30 years, Paul has practiced Acupuncture, Tuina (Chinese Medical Massage), Remedial therapeutic massage, Qigong (Chinese exercise for health) and dietary therapy in Kent, UK. Paul graduated in massage in 1993 and in acupuncture in 1997, achieving his PGCE in 2002, and Masters in Education in 2012. Paul sits on the Governing Board of the BAcC and is Chair of the Professional Standards and Regulatory Committee of the BAcC. Paul is first aid instructor for the Rugby Football Union (RFU) and The footbal Asociation (FA), and he set up and runs ther New Ash Green Rugby Club Treatment Centre, a unique multi-disciplinary, multi-bed unit, treating male and female senior and junior sports players. He is one of the UK's leading teachers in TCM, sports medicine and rehabilitation.