Business Planning For Future Success
Designed for practitioners who are just starting out in practice, as well as those looking to expand the clinics, this course provides a step by step approach to business and marketing specifically for acupuncturists. Developing a niche and attracting ideal clients is a primary focus of the course. Creating an effective communication strategy and cost-effective and time-efficient ways to promote one's business will also be outlined in the course.
Goals for the course:
· Setting your business mission and vision
· Creating a communication strategy
· Cost-effective and time-efficient ways to promote your business
· Ways to review your success and plan for future activities
This course is £5 for non JCM subscribers.
This course is £3.75 for JCM subscribers.
To obtain your discount code, sign into your account on for the US and Canada or for the rest of the world and navigate to the 'discount codes' tab under the 'shops' heading.
Running time: Approximately 30 mins
Buy this courseSpeakers Biography
Katherine Berry, BHSc, MSc, is an acupuncture educator with 20 years clinical experience. Having completed a bachelor's degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Australia in 2000, Kath spent time working in several hospitals in China before returning to Australia and completing a Master of Science Research degree. With a passion for enhancing the acupuncture profession through high quality eduaction, networking and mentoring, Kath worked with Balance Healthcare and the Journal of Chinese Medicine in the UK from 2008 to 2010, before setting up an online education platform to provide CPD training for acupuncturists all over the world. Her collection of webinars can be found on JCM-ondemand.