Cannabis, Brain Chemistry And Sleep Hygiene Strategies
Cannabis is one of the most widely used drugs in our communities, however because of the stigma associated with drug use, people are often reluctant to seek help. Acupuncturists are in an ideal position to offer support. There is a wide range of cannabis products available and the risk of dependence varies depending on frequency of use, age of commencement, duration and route of administration and whether it is mixed with tobacco. For many people, cannabis provides a way to relax and for some, may be used to self medicate symptoms of anxiety and/or depression. Withdrawing from cannabis is often accompanied by sleep disturbance and insomnia – a high risk for relapsing. Help patients achieve their goals with this important webinar.
Goals of this course:
◉ Understand the psychopharmacology of cannabis, cannabis products, hash oil, and skunk – and learn about the dangers associated with synthetic cannabinoid products “legal highs” such as Spice.
◉ Gain an awareness of easy to teach sleep hygiene strategies that can be used for all patients with sleeping problems
◉ Understand a western medical approach to the treatment of cannabis dependence and how acupuncture can play an essential role in relapse-prevention
This course is £10 for non JCM subscribers.
This course is £7.50 for JCM subscribers.
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Running time: Approximately 1 hr
Buy this courseSpeakers Biography
Professor Adam Winstock is Honorary Clinical professor at the Institute of Epidemiology and Health Care, at the University College London (UCL). He is a Consultant Addiction Psychiatrist and Addiction Medicine specialist. He has published over 120 papers and is the founder and director of Global Drug Survey, which runs the largest drug survey in the world. Adam qualified as a medical doctor (MBBS) in 1991 and obtained his MRCP in 1994. Adam commenced his training as a psychiatrist at the Maudsley Hospital in London and obtained his MRCPsych in 1997. He then spent four years as a clinical lecturer at the Institute of Psychiatry (IOP London) obtaining an MSc in 1999, and a CSST in general adult psychiatry and addiction psychiatry in 2001. In addition to lecturing, running GDS and working with the media, Adam is currently Clinical Lead for Addictions for Care UK across three prisons in London. He is passionate about training professionals to help people reduce harms associated with drug use and to use more safely. This webinar is a must see if you want to better understand cannabis dependence and how to support patients to reduce their use through improved sleep hygiene strategies.