Chinese Medicine Forestry Trust
The Chinese Medicine Forestry Trust promotes planetary, human and species health and wellbeing by planting trees and protecting forests throughout the world. Trees absorb carbon dioxide, counter pollution, give forth life-giving oxygen, prevent flooding and promote biodiversity by providing a home and food for thousands of species. Spending time amidst trees can enhance our physical and mental health. Reflecting the love of nature embodied within Chinese medicine, we invite practitioners, schools, businesses and patients to help protect this beautiful planet of ours.

Finding My Way: Memoirs and Short Stories by Peter Deadman
The first half of this e-book is a frank account of my life – from childhood, through my rebellious teenage years, hippie travelling, random jobs, my first career in the natural foods business, my path into Chinese medicine and much more. The second half of the book is made up of a number of short stories, many of which relate tangentially to the memoirs. It’s been described as a ‘riveting read’ and “What an interesting and captivating read. Honest, funny, moving and inspiring”.
100% of proceeds go to the Chinese Medicine Forestry Trust
To order, click the add to cart button below..
Who are we?
Peter Deadman has practised and taught Chinese health traditions and qigong for over 40 years
"I feel a deep connection to nature and experience real sorrow when I see and hear what we are doing to this beautiful natural world. And ever since I first learnt standing qigong (sometimes called 'standing like a tree') I have loved these wonderful plants (or are they creatures?). Let's join together as a community to plant and protect trees and forests all over the world."
Charlotte Whitestone is an acupuncturist with a passion for accessible, equitable treatment for all.
"A day and night with the kids in the woods, in a shepherds hut, to start off the summer holidays. It could have been the beach or a campsite, but the woods are where I want to return to, over and over. It’s a challenge to put into words, but here I feel right, correct. I don’t feel shut off from my environment like I do in the city or even in my own home where other species are seen as invaders. Here, my edges soften. I feel part of the whole. I can feel the myriad of interactions occurring; it’s like the insects can fly through me, the oxygenated air takes part of me that I don’t need any more, away. The light is beautiful this afternoon, the air sultry and warm with little breeze. I am not alone, but entangled with birds, spiders and their shiny strands of web, flies zipping and buzzing, and later a fox or badger if I’m lucky. This is a beauty that touches me, nourishes me. It is peaceful yet it’s the dynamism I love too. Perhaps if I listen keenly enough I can hear the creak of the trees growing, the caterpillars emerging, the cubs being born?
Effie Love is an acupuncturist, massage therapist, yoga teacher, point location teacher and the proud owner of ‘About Balance’ a low cost, fair trade, well-being centre.
"Back in the day I used to be a trekking guide, taking young people to nature, which I always loved. It was only years later though when I started practicing complementary medicine that I realised it wasn’t just ‘fun’, it was therapeutic. Our energetic body is just a microcosm of the world outside, and if we destroy that fine balance in the world we will only be harming ourselves (or is it that becoming so detached from our fine inner balance that enables us to harm the environment in such a way?), This is our final chance to do something to help save the planet from reaching a point of no return, and if there is a single thing we can all do now to make a real change planting a tree is it."
Jeremy Marshall is an acupuncturist, Tai chi & Qi Gong teacher. He is passionate about making the world a better place.
''When I grew up in Bedfordshire our house was close to an ancient woodland. I spent a lot of time in those woods. Walking the dog, making shelters, camping and generally messing around in all weathers and all seasons. On reflection my love of woods, trees and nature comes from this close and constant experience of getting to know every inch of those woods. Being in those woods was also, I realise now, my first experience of meditation. The stillness, peace and beauty of simply being in those woods is part of me and this is why I am compelled to be part of the Chinese Medicine Forestry Trust. To make a difference by preserving woodland, increasing tree cover and promoting biodiversity to counter the effects of climate change.''
Trees and Wellbeing
Planting trees not only helps the environment but it also helps us too. We are part of the natural world, and since industrialization, humanity has arguably forgotten we actually depend upon our environment for our very survival.
Walking through an ancient forest, with its oaks and ashes dappling the earth with sunlight, the wind rustling through the leaves while the birds and insects go about their business, fills our senses with a richness that cannot be found elsewhere. Many of us know the deep feeling of calm and wellbeing that our woodlands give to us, and this experience helps remind us we are very much part of the natural world.
This feeling of wellbeing is another major reason to invest time and effort in planting trees and cannot be underestimated. There is much evidence to support this profound effect on our mental wellbeing.
To quote our very own Peter Deadman;
“In Japan, mindfully strolling through woodland, absorbing the smells, sounds and sights, is known as shinrin-yoku or forest bathing. When researchers took groups of volunteers to either urban or forest environments, they found that walking in the woods significantly lowered stress levels (reducing cortisol, pulse rate, blood pressure and sympathetic nervous system activity) compared to walking in the city. Another Japanese study of over three thousand senior citizens found that they were more likely to live longer simply by having parks or tree-lined streets that they could walk in, near their homes.” Live well live long p.314
Contact with trees therefore has a significant benefit to human health and wellbeing, which is another reason why the Chinese Medicine Forestry Trust chose to support Tree planting as a course of action.
In essence contact with trees help to counter the stressful state we experience in our modern lives, that is partly caused by the effects of climate change.
Increasing the amount of woodlands and green areas in our cities has to be a priority for governments, associations and individuals a like. According to the Woodland Trust the UK currently only has 13% woodland cover versus 37% in the EU, so planting trees today will help to make our world a better place on so many levels, whether it be to carbon capture, protect and increase biodiversity or to improve our mental health.
Jeremy Marshall