Low Back Pain Assessment, Red Flags And Management
Back pain is one of the most problematic conditions that patients can present with which is complicated by: chronicity; medication; surgery; anxiety or depression. This presentation is about what practitioners need to know to understand people with low back pain and how to provide safe and effective treatment in line with international back pain management guidelines.
Goals of the course:
After watching this presentation, participants will have learned -
- Aetiology and Classification of Low Back Pain
- History taking and clinical screening of people with low back pain
- Red & Yellow Flags
- When to refer
- Management of people using the best available evidence, and
- Treatment considerations with case studies
This course is £10 for non JCM subscribers.
This course is £7.50 for JCM subscribers.
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Running time: Approximately 1 hr
Buy this courseSpeakers Biography
Luke Rickards commenced his career in allied health as an acupuncture and Chinese medicine practitioner after graduating from the Sydney Institute of TCM in 1998, followed by a clinical internship at the Guangzhou University TCM Hospital in China. Luke's early practice immediately led to a strong interest in the management of neuromusculoskeletal pain and he subsequently completed a Bachelor of Applied Science and a Masters degree in Osteopathy at the University of Western Sydney. Luke has been involved in health professional regulation at a state and national level, including the development of acupuncture accreditation standards for non-TCM health professionals, and has acted as an external Masters thesis examiner for universities in Australia and New Zealand. Luke is also on the advisory panel for Chronic Pain Australia and the peer review panel for an international scientific journal. He has published several research papers, articles and a book on manual and movement therapy treatments for neuromusculoskeletal pain. In his clinical practice, Luke has a particular interest in patient-centred approaches to manual and movement therapy and helping people suffering from chronic, persistent musculoskeletal and neuropathic pain.