Marketing: The Introvert's Advantage
In this interesting seminar, Chen Yen explores how to market yourself as an acupuncturist or herbal medicine practitioner, with a special emphasis on how to do this even if you are an introvert.
This course is £10 for non JCM subscribers.
This course is £7.50 for JCM subscribers.
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Running time: Approximately 1 hr
Buy this courseSpeakers Biography
Chen Yen is a marketing guru from the USA. As a part of her Doctor of Pharmacy clinical degree at the University of Washington, she worked in the Bastyr University Chinese Herbal Medicine dispensary where a passion for TCM formed. Chen realised soon after launching her career as a pharmacist that TCM was underutilised in mainstream medicine, so she set about helping acupuncturists to better market their services. As a self confessed introvert, Chen's unique approach is likely to be more appealing to most practitioners who shy away from a 'heavily salesy' approach. Chen talks you through how to take advantage of being an introvert to make more meaningful connections with people who can refer the right patients to your acupuncture practice.