Turning Breach Babies With Acupuncture
Becks Armstrong, a pregnancy Acupuncture specialist and Doula presents how to treat pregnant women with a breech baby. This distance learning module will cover the three types of breech positioning; Frank breech, Complete breech and Footling or ‘incomplete’ breech. Becks outlines some of the underlying psychological issues pregnant women may be experiencing which may be preventing the baby from turning. How and when to apply acupuncture and moxabustion to turn a breech baby will be highlighted in great detail, as well as when not to treat; the contra-indications, red flags and when to refer. Current acupuncture research will also be showcased in this information session.
Goals of the course:
- Understanding the issues associated with a baby in breech position
- Understanding of some of the mother's psychological issues that can prevent a breech baby from turning
- How and when to apply acupuncture and moxabustion to turn a breech baby
- Contra-indications, red flags, when not to treat or use moxa and when to refer
- Overview of current international research about acupuncture, TCM and breech babies
This course is £15 for non JCM subscribers.
This course is £11.25 for JCM subscribers.
To obtain your discount code, sign into your account on www.journalofchinesemedicine.com for the US and Canada or www.jcm.co.uk for the rest of the world and navigate to the 'discount codes' tab under the 'shops' heading.
Running time: Approximately 1 hr 30 mins
Buy this courseSpeakers Biographies
Dr Debra Betts Debra has a background in nursing, graduating from the London College of Acupuncture in 1989. Passionate about women's health, she developed a scientific interest in treating pregnancy and began teaching acupressure and acupuncture to midwives in 1997. This led to the publication of articles on the use of acupressure and acupuncture in maternity care and her book 'The Essential Guide to Acupuncture in Pregnancy and Childbirth' in 2006, with subsequent translations into German and French. Debra completed her PhD on the use of acupuncture in threatened miscarriage in 2014 through the University of Western Sydney and currently supervises Master's students through the New Zealand School of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Becks Armstrong Becks is an Australian trained acupuncturist, doula and mindfulness practitioner who has offered pregnancy specialist services for more than 18 years. She has attended over 80 births in Australia and the UK and is based in Glasgow, Scotland. In 2018 Becks set up Clarity, a mindfulness, relaxation and sleep app for women. Becks is passionate about safe and supportive birthing and generously shares her expertise in this webinar recorded with Debra Betts, Sarah Budd-Bell and Ineke Van De Berg.
Sarah Budd-Bell Sarah is a qualified midwife and acupuncturist having studied in London and China. In 1988, Sarah set up an acupuncture service in Plymouth Maternity Unit while concurrently enrolled in Complementary health Studies at Exeter University. In 1991, Sarah was awarded the prestigious Churchill Fellowship to study acupuncture anaesthesia in China. She achieve the first and only full time post as an acupuncturist midwife in the UK. Over 6000 pregnant women have been treated with acupuncture on the NHS in Plymouth, and the service was joint winner of the Prince of Wales Foundation for Integrated Health Award in 2001. Over the years, Sarah has contributed to textbooks and journals and continues to teach in acupuncture colleges and universities. Sarah has a Master's in Acupuncture for her thesis on hyperemesis, awarded by the Northern College of Acupuncture, UK.
Dr Ineke Van De Berg Dr Ineke Van De berg is a licenced acupuncturist and herbalist, and holds a PhD in Clinical Epidemiology. She has practiced as a physiotherapist and shiatsu therapist for more than 30 years, and as an acupuncturist and herbalist (Chinese Herbal Medicine) for 22 years. She has a special interest in obstetrical problems and complex pain disorders as CRPS type 1. In addition, she supervises and works her own private clinic for Complementary Medicine 'Rodenrijs' where she lives in Holland.