The Qi Of Tea
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Running time: Approximately 1 hr
Buy this courseSpeakers Biography
Natalie Chandra Saunders, LicAc, graduated from the College of Traditional Acupuncture in 2007 and completed further study at Heilongjiang University of TCM in 2012. Following this, Natalie lived in China for three years studying Mandarin, Chinese medicine and Chinese culture. It was during this time that she discovered her passion for writing and she now works as a freelance writer, translator and educator specialising in acupuncture and TCM.
Natalie is the author of several published articles and her first book, The Qi of Tea, which is a discussion of the history and use of tea in TCM. In recent years, she has dedicated herself to the study of menopause and age related disease in TCM, the subject of the new book co-authored with Katherine Berry.