Understanding Geriatrics And Gerontology
In this interesting seminar Dr. Robinson explores the impact of our aging population on society. He also discusses how one best goes about living a long and healthy life. He talks about the many changes that occur in the body when we age and what we can do to reduce or slow up these changes. The special challenges of treating the elderly are carefully considered, as well as the moral and ethical dilemmas surrounding the end of life.
Goals of the course:
After taking this seminar, the participant will-
• Understand the impact our aging population has on society, and how the elderly are treated
• Learn the fundamentals of what it takes to live a long and productive life (and possibly become a centenarian!)
• Know the changes that occur in the human body with aging
• Appreciate the special challenges of treating elderly people
• Understand the perplexing and yet all-important moral and ethical dilemmas surrounding the end of life
This course is £15 for non JCM subscribers.
This course is £11.25 for JCM subscribers.
To obtain your discount code, sign into your account on www.journalofchinesemedicine.com for the US and Canada or www.jcm.co.uk for the rest of the world and navigate to the 'discount codes' tab under the 'shops' heading.
Running time: Approximately 1 hr 30 mins
Buy this courseSpeakers Biography
Professor Bruce H Robinson, MD, FACS, MSOM (Hon) is a western trained doctor and advocate for the use of complementary medicine. he is the author of two textbooks on the topic of intergrating Western Medicine and Oriental medicine- Biomedicine: 'A Textbook for Practitioners of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine', Blue Poppy Press (2007), and 'Western Physical Exam Skills for Practitioners of Asian Medicine, Blue Poppy Press (2009). Dr Robinson was the President of AIMC Berkeley, an acupuncture college located in the San Francisco bay area, from 2007 to 2009. He was a Professor and Associate Dean of the Montserrat Medical College in Miami, professor at the Atlantic College of oriental Medicine in Fort Lauderdale. A board-certified general surgeon, he practiced medicine and surgery for 30 years, treating over 80,000 patients. Dr Robinson has a magnificent teaching style, making his webinars a delight to watch.